Ayurvedic Massage

Diva’s Secret Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage combines the 5,000-year-old Indian principles of Ayurveda—the science of life—and pressure points. This type of massage is designed to create balance among the mind, body, and spirit, and help the body heal itself. It’s sometimes referred to as an “oil massage” because it typically incorporates warm herb essential oils, as well as time-honored and non-traditional strokes and kneading that suit an individual’s needs.

Ayurvedic Massage
Ayurvedic Massage1

How Is Ayurvedic Massage Different?

In Ayurveda, the five elements that are found in all living things—space, air, fire, water, and earth—are considered the building blocks of life. These combine to create three mind-body principles, known as doshas within the body: Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth). Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas, although one is usually more dominant. Ayurvedic practices balancing of the doshas to govern one’s physical and emotional health.
During an Ayurvedic massage, organic oil blends are infused with Ayurvedic herbs and heated to promote relaxation and detoxification. The oils are chosen to balance a person’s dominant dosha. At the right temperature, these oils enter the body through the skin and pores, bind to the ama (toxins), and are released to detoxify the body.

Energy and Intention

An Ayurvedic therapist focuses on clearing the energy channels in the body, moving and dislodging toxins, and balancing the chakras (energy centers).

Specific Movements

The style and flow of an Ayurvedic massage are determined by what an individual needs. The massage therapist will typically use massage techniques including tapping, kneading, and squeezing, as well as traditional massage strokes. Movement flow can be quick or drawn out, depending on a person’s needs. The overall approach increases circulation and lymphatic drainage. Some spas provide two therapists working on one person simultaneously.

Ayurvedic Massage Services

Ayurvedic massage combines the 5,000-year-old Indian principles of Ayurveda—the science of life—and pressure points. This type of massage is designed to create balance among the mind, body, and spirit, and help the body heal itself. It’s sometimes referred to as an “oil massage” because it typically incorporates warm herb essential oils, as well as time-honored and non-traditional strokes and kneading that suit an individual’s needs.

Abhyanga - Full Body Massage

One of the most traditional Ayurvedic treatments, abhyanga uses friction-based strokes and warm dosha-specific oils. As the oil is massaged into the skin, it penetrates the tissues to loosen toxins at a cellular level. This style of massage promotes circulation, boosts immune system function, and creates deep relaxation in the mind and body.

Duration 90 Min
Cost 250 CHF


Fever, Diarrhea, Severe sinusitis, Cardiac problems,
Acute illness, Extreme fatigue, Infectious diseases, Hemorrhagic disorders

These therapies are not intended to encourage the replacement of the relationship between the patient and the treating doctor.

Energy and Intention
How Is Ayurvedic Massage Different

Shiroabhyanga - Head, Neck and Shoulder Massage

Shiro Abhyanga is a Sanskrit term comprising two words: Shiro (head) and Abhyanga (massage). Shiro Abhyanga essentially means a complete massage of the head, neck, and shoulders using Ayurvedic herbal oils. These are the areas that are most affected by stress, which is why Shiro Abhyanga is beneficial in reducing pain and stress in these regions.

Duration 90 Min
Cost 250 CHF


Fever, Diarrhea, Severe sinusitis, Cardiac problems,
Acute illness, Extreme fatigue, Infectious diseases, Hemorrhagic disorders

These therapies are not intended to encourage the replacement of the relationship between the patient and the treating doctor.

Mukhabhyanga- Face Massage

This traditional Ayurvedic face massage uses warm herbal oils that have been created based on Ayurvedic principles. This facial works on the marma points of the face (energy centers) bringing balance to the mind and emotions creating peace and tranquility. It is soothing and nurturing to the skin tissue leaving your skin glowing and your face smiling.

Duration 60 Min
Cost 250 CHF


Fever, Diarrhea, Severe sinusitis, Cardiac problems,
Acute illness, Extreme fatigue, Infectious diseases, Hemorrhagic disorders

These therapies are not intended to encourage the replacement of the relationship between the patient and the treating doctor.


Kadi Vasti (for Back Pain)

Kadi Vasti is one of the most notable treatments for lower back pain and other lumbosacral conditions. This ancient Ayurvedic therapy uses herbal oil and specialized massage techniques to treat the problem at the source and provide long-term relief. The basic premise of kadi vasti is to use heated oil to improve blood circulation in the pain-stricken area.

Kadi Vasti involves retaining heated medicated oil over the lower back inside a frame made of dough
Kadi Vasti is performed using medicated oils, followed by a gentle, targeted massage to soothe inflamed tissues, release muscle knots and relieve pain and stiffness.

Duration 90 Min
Cost 250 CHF



Fever, Diarrhea, Severe sinusitis, Cardiac problems,
Acute illness, Extreme fatigue, Infectious diseases, Hemorrhagic disorders

These therapies are not intended to encourage the replacement of the relationship between the patient and the treating doctor.

How it is performed

The recipient lies down on the massage table, facing down.

The practitioner locates the pain area and creates a frame of flour dough around it.

The next step is to pour and hold warm medicated oil inside the dough frame for a few minutes.

As soon as the oil cools down, the frame is removed, and the oil is rubbed across the lower back using specialized kneading techniques.

Kadi Vasti Benefits

This oil pooling treatment has several benefits besides treating lower back pain.

Treats numbness in limbs

With sciatica, caused by compression of the sciatic nerve, back pain might radiate to legs, causing numbness or tingling sensation. The kadi vasti treatment targets the root cause of sciatica and reduces its effects on other body parts.

Relieves stiffness

Lower back pain can often restrict your movement and reduce joint flexibility, making everyday tasks seem like a mountain. Kadi Vasti can help ease stiffness in the lower back and allow you to twist and bend without feeling pain or crackling in joints. With regular sessions, you may get rid of lower back issues.

Soothes inflamed nerves

The herniated disc keeps pressing on the nerve until it becomes inflamed and causes pain. Those inflamed nerves rarely return to normal and worsen as the herniated disc problem progresses. Kadi vasti can be a complementary therapy to soothe inflamed nerves and relieve excruciating pain.

Improves blood circulation

Kadi vasti therapy is followed by gentle massage treatment. The gentle kneading strokes that follow the treatment help improve blood circulation and release muscle knots that may have affected your movement.


Fever, Diarrhea, Severe sinusitis, Cardiac problems,
Acute illness, Extreme fatigue, Infectious diseases, Hemorrhagic disorders

These therapies are not intended to encourage the replacement of the relationship between the patient and the treating doctor.

Greeva Vasti - The Neck Treatment

In Sanskrit, ‘Greeva’ means neck and ‘Basti’ means to retain. Greeva Vasti is an age-old treatment used to address acute and chronic neck conditions. In the modern-day, sedentary lifestyle involving sitting hours in front of computer screens can cause neck pain and other conditions, Greeva Vasti effectively addresses neck pain and related painful conditions, providing long term benefits.
In this treatment, the ayurvedic therapist builds a reservoir around the neck area using the dough, and warm medicated oil is poured into this reservoir. The oil is retained for a specific duration, allowing it to penetrate deeply into the cervical region.

Duration 90 Min
Cost 250 CHF

Benefits Of Greeva Vasti

Greeva Vasti is a soothing neck therapy where a generous quantity of herbal oils are retained on the neck to relieve occasional pain, inflammation, and stiffness. The warm herbal oil allows absorption into muscles, ligaments, and tendons, thereby relaxing the neck and healing any underlying conditions, calming pain and stiffness.

Helps relieve occasional neck pain and inflammation

Heals past injuries, inflammation and recurring neck pain, gently and effectively.

Improves flexibility

The medicated oil enhances flexibility and promotes the smooth movement of the neck.

Lubricates joints

Greeva Vasti lubricates the joints of the necks and helps address stiffness, allowing smooth movement.

Softens rigidity

Helps relieve the burden of stress and congestion in nerves, bones, and muscles, relaxes and rejuvenates them.

Improves blood circulation

The therapy enhances active blood circulation around the neck and strengthens the spine.

Helps heal compression fractures and frozen shoulders

Greeva Vasti addresses underlying conditions like compression fractures and frozen shoulders.

Janu Vasti - Treatment for the knee

Janu Vasti is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment that involves pooling medicated oil in compartments created around the knee joint or the site of inflammation or injury. It can be used for the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders like osteoporosis, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ligament tear, etc.
Knee problems are the result of an imbalance in the Vayu or wind in the area caused by the imbalance of Vata dosha. Janu Vasti helps to counteract the cold and dry conditions created by using warm medicated oils followed by massage.
Duration 90 Min
Cost : 1st Knee 250 CHF
2nd Knee 50 CHF


Fever, Diarrhea, Severe sinusitis, Cardiac problems,
Acute illness, Extreme fatigue, Infectious diseases, Hemorrhagic disorders

These therapies are not intended to encourage the replacement of the relationship between the patient and the treating doctor.

Janu Vasti Treatment Procedure

The procedure starts by preparing a reservoir of dough and forming it on the knee joint that is under pain. The Ayurvedic practitioner determines the medicated oil for the treatment. Now, the medicated oil is warmed to suit the condition and then poured over the affected knee. The dough-compartment made over the knee helps to keep the medicated oil in position and prevent leakage.

The entire Janu Vasti treatment procedure takes around 30 – 40 minutes. After the treatment duration is over, the flour and the oil are removed from the knee and specific massage follows.

Benefits of Janu Vasti

  1. Relieves swelling and inflammation in the knee joints
  2. Alleviates pain in the knees and legs
  3. Soothes the nerves and the surrounding structures of the knees
  4. Improves blood supply
  5. Improves joint flexibility and mobility

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